I will fix wordpress, CSS, HTML, jquery, and PHP errors

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I will fix wordpress, CSS, HTML, jquery, and PHP errors
Basic In this gig we will fix one any small issue related to wordpress
Standar we will cover complex issue.
Premium In this gig we will fix your multiple complex issues related to wordpress, css, js php. etc

At cureshi.com, we specialize in handling a wide range of website errors and issues. Whether you're facing common problems like:

- Parse Error/Syntax Error
- White Screen of Death (WSoD)
- Internal Server Error
- 404 Error
- Payment Gateway Issue
- Error Establishing a Database Connection
- SSL error
- Mixed content error
- Js Conflicts
- Ajax Errors
- JSON Errors
- CSS Bugs
- Unable to Edit content
- Plugin Conflicts
- Website Keeps Loading Issue
- Connection Timed Out Error
- Unable to Upload Images
- Unable to Access the Admin Area
- WordPress Is Stuck in Maintenance Mode
- Missed Scheduled Post Error
- WordPress Failed to Auto-Update
- E_ERROR : A fatal error
- E_WARNING : Run-time warning
- E_PARSE : parse error.
- E_NOTICE : Run time notice
- E_CORE_ERROR : Fatal errors
- E_CORE_WARNING : Warnings
- E_COMPILE_ERROR : Fatal compile-time error
- E_USER_ERROR : User-generated error.
- E_USER_WARNING : User-generated warning.
- E_USER_NOTICE : User-generated notice
- E_STRICT : Run-time notices.
- E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR : Catchable fatal error
- E_DEPRECATED : Run-time notices.

We've got you covered. Contact us before placing your order, and let us help you resolve your website issues efficiently. Thank you!

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